QR Codes provide quick and comfortable access to online resources.
But how to measure the success of a QR Code campaign? You have to generate a QR Code, that contains a link with tracking ability to get information about the response.
This embedded link has to be a unique entry to your site. Then you can refer to the origin of the website access. Your clients scan this code and are directed to the specified URL. This allows you to get detailed information on how your QR Code campaign appeals to your audience and helps to measure the success of your click-through campaign.
There are 2 approaches to create a traceable link:
1. Use intern redirection
Create a QR Code that contains a link to a campaign name on your website, i.e.
www.evenx.com/ad/XJx5 The campaign name redirects to a target you want, i.e. http://www.evenx.com/?p=1581 This allows you to change the target. As many QR Codes are printed, this variability can save a lot of time and money, if there are changes afterwards. |
2. Use extern URL-shortener
You can use URL-shortener like http://goo.gl or http://www.bitly.com shorten this URL:
http://www.evenx.com/?p=1581 and get the shortened URL beyond: http://goo.gl/4NSes Generate a QR Code, that contains this shortened URL. http://goo.gl/#analytics/goo.gl/4NSes/all_time Additionally you can use Google Analytics so see the referrer link stats. |